Member Enrollment
Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation members
are eligible to enroll in our dental coverage.

Member Enrollment
their families are eligible to enroll in the Mississippi Farm Bureau Dental Plan.
Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation members
are eligible to enroll in our dental coverage.
Not only does the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation provide coverage for automobiles, homeowners, businesses, farmers, and ranchers, we also offer affordable, easy to use dental coverage for you and your family. The Mississippi Farm Bureau Dental Plan is underwritten by Delta Dental Insurance Company, a member of the nation’s largest dental insurance organization.
This special dental program is for members of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation who live in Mississippi. If you are already one of our 227,000 member families and would like to enroll in the dental plan, simply click one of the Enroll Now buttons found throughout the website.
The Dental plan, underwritten by Delta Dental Insurance Company, offers you what no other dental plan can — The Delta Dental Difference®. Here’s what makes this a great choice for you and your family:
Exceptional Cost Savings — Delta Dental networks protect enrollees from balance billing and prevent dentists from charging more by “unbundling” services that should be billed as one service. Your costs are usually lowest when you visit a Delta Dental dentist.
Guaranteed Coinsurance — Delta Dental dentists agree to accept the administrator’s determination of fees. They won’t balance bill over Delta Dental’s approved amount for covered services.
Professional Treatment Standards — Network dentists must meet professional standards for safety and quality of care. These standards are verified through reviews of utilization patterns and office practices.
When you enroll in the Dental program offered through the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation, you have the freedom to visit any licensed dentist. However, there are advantages to visiting a Delta Dental PPO or Delta Dental Premier network dentist instead of a non-Delta dentist. Delta Dental network providers have agreed not to balance bill anyone covered under a Delta Dental Insurance Plan. Should you visit a non-Delta dentist, you may be subject to higher out-of-pocket costs.